UK Influencer Marketing Trade Body launches

The UK influencer marketing industry has been busy over recent months with the launch of two new codes of conduct and a new industry body, the Influencer Marketing Trade Body, IMTB.

The backdrop to this is the UK parliamentary inquiry by the Digital Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS), that has been underway since March 2021, focusing on influencer culture and the potential need for tighter regulation. The Influencer Marketing Trade Body (IMTB) has been established by a group of senior marketers and is headed up by industry commentator and expert Scott Guthrie. The aim of IMTB is to establish a united voice for the industry and to promote a professional, sustainable industry. Its remit includes helping to shape the future of the influencer marketing industry, including representing the industry to Parliament and policymakers, as well as the media. IMTB has a founding Board of Management that includes representation from INCA, Tagger, Takumi, Whalar , Ogilvy and The Fifth.

The IMTB has launched with a member Code of Conduct and requires all member organisations to adhere to the standards and behaviours set out in the its code.

The British Advertisers association, ISBA, also launched its Influencer Marketing Code Of Conduct in September 2021 which has been supported by a raft of leading advertisers.

Further coverage here in The Drum UK.


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