Creator feedback on brands and platforms

A new US based report by Deloitte gives an interesting snapshot of creator feedback.

58% of the creators surveyed earned less than US$50K per year but $75% believe they will be making more than this next year. They indicated that 55% of their income comes from brand partnerships, 33% came from follower contributions and 32% from platform payments.

Priorities for brand partnerships:

  • Relevance of brand to their audience was the top priority for 69% of creators

  • Monetary value of the brand partnership was a tight second priority at 66%

There are some indicators for brands in how to manage their creator relationships - creators cite clear expectations from the start of a contract as important. Brands should set expectations upfront about pay, brand strategy, and posting frequency—and show awareness of how these expectations are relevant to the creator’s brand.

Establishing the monetisation structure to appeal to an array of creator needs can also make brand partnerships more attractive to creators. Perks can be a differentiator.

Not surprisingly, creators mentioned their preference for longer-term, ongoing partnerships with brands.

Platforms: Creators are now using multiple platforms with 89% using two or more.

Regarding platform choice their top three priorities are:

  1. Grow their content

  2. How easy it is to publish, manage, and track content performance

  3. Fair pay opportunities was the third third priority

Yet, according to Deloitte’s survey only 60% of creators strongly agree the platforms they use make it easy for them to manage their content. 40% of creators strongly agree their platforms offer fair opportunities to profit or help grow their business.

It’s interesting to note that creators are not happy in the way platforms resolve issues - only a third (33%) said they strongly agreed with their platforms’ ability to provide adequate resolution to technical or policy issues. Only a quarter (26%) strongly agreed platforms addressed instances of harassment and abusive behaviour satisfactorily.

Methodology: The survey is US based with 400 creators were surveyed with audiences ranging from 5,000 to 1mill followers. The report doesn’t indicate survey methodology. You can read the report and download it here.


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