Celebrate then move right on…

As we close 2020 we leave you with these thoughts from our community.

Rowi Singh, Content Creator - @rowisingh - Make-up artist pushing conventional beauty boundaries

No matter how hard or uncomfortable we are at any given point in time, we WILL move through it. Everything is temporary and can be taken as a learning to push and refine ourselves even further. This year I grew so much more than I thought I was capable, and will continue to do so.”

Emma Edwards, Content Creator - @the.brokegeneration - Inspiring others to feel financially confident

“2020 has demonstrated just how quickly things can change, so in 2021 I'll be prioritising a balance between living for the now, and looking after my future self. I believe if we all take this approach, we can enjoy life in real time as well as protect ourselves from future impact, embracing the lessons of 2020 from all angles.”

Karan White, Director, The Lime Agency - @karan_white_ - Social and Digital Enthusiast

“2020 has been a year of re-thinking. Rethinking priorities, the how and why of the way we do business, and what is taken for granted can so easily be taken away. Throughout this year of challenges, social connection became increasingly important as social distancing was enforced; and we experienced disasters on a never-before-seen scale. The importance of connection to our community played a vital role as we adapted to change forced upon us.”

In 2021 I expect to see many of these changes become embedded in our thinking. Social and digital media will continue to play a significant role in connecting communities and driving deeper connections and relationships. Let’s continue to embrace the no-edit, less polished and more authentic connections we’ve enjoyed developing in 2020.”

Simone Landes, Founder, The Lifestyle Suite - @lstylesuite - Expert content for happier, healthier lives

“ 2020 was the year that came and slapped us all in the face - literally! For all the tough times though, it’s a year that has taught me that we are all far more resilient than we ever thought possible – that as it should always have been, health is now firmly at the top of the agenda; and that kindness and care for one another is absolutely vital. Humanity is everywhere – hopefully next year we get to enjoy it without the hardships.”


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