L’Oréal Australia champions best practice by joining AiMCO

L’Oréal Australia, the nation’s leading beauty group and global leaders in beauty tech and product innovation, has joined the Australian Influencer Marketing Council (AiMCO) to support the industry in elevating transparency and best practice in influencer marketing.

L’Oréal Australia's Emma Williamson, Director CX & Social Media Governance, and Jenna Adamson, Corporate Legal will join AiMCO’s collective of industry leaders in guiding industry best practice and professionalism in influencer marketing.

L’Oréal Australia, who have their own well-established global Influencer Charter and are recognised leaders in the area of influencer partnerships and will join the newly formed AiMCO Marketer Advisory council as the first FMCG beauty brand.

"Influencer marketing is here to stay. We recognise it is a critical lever in how to engage new audiences, reconnect with our existing consumers and tap into forms of content that drives consumer trial and purchase.

As an ever-present component in our media mix, it’s crucial that we get influencer marketing right. Consumers are savvy and if we want them to trust our brands, we need to ensure that the Influencers we work with share our values and are authentic & transparent.

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with AiMCO and other leading Australian influencer marketing businesses to help shape the landscape in an ever evolving marketplace."

Emma Williamson - Director CX & Social Media Governance, L'Oréal Australia

AiMCO’s members are the guiding force behind its mission, principles, and industry codes such as the Influencer Marketing Code of Practice launched in July 2020.

It is testament to the growth of the importance of influencer marketing within the marketing mix that large brands are now getting on board with AiMCO whose members are drawn from influencer marketing tech, social media and talent agencies, legal specialists, along with influencers and content creators.

AiMCO’s Chair Detch Singh acknowledge the importance of brands being involved in AiMCO:

“We're excited to welcome L’Oréal Australia as the first of many brands to be joining AiMCO as a member. Influencer marketing is core to the media mix and it's natural for leading and innovative brands such as L’Oréal Australia to want to play a role in shaping its future. The newly formed AiMCO Marketer Advisory council will be essential in ensuring we are addressing the needs of brand marketers with our initiatives moving forward.”

The addition of L’Oréal Australia to the growing roster of marketers, businesses and creators that are members of AiMCO is an indication of how the organisation’s work is gaining momentum.


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